Thursday, 30 April 2015

Hearthstone: brother Vs brother

So I've just played against my younger brother on hearthstone.....
....take a guess at who won....
....or just watch the vids when they come up.... 

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Hearthstone: close game

Having a game of hearthstone with my brother, and it got pretty close!
 Got to the point where we were just throwing whatever we had in our hands at the time at each other....
In the end, I won due tims fatigue from his lack of cards, but it was waaaaaaaaayyyyyy to close for comfort!

Friday, 24 April 2015

Robocraft: darn friends...

This is what happens when you let friends get on your Robocraft account....

Monday, 20 April 2015

Unity 5: RPG

So for part of my college work I need to create a game. So I'm producing a first person
RPG and so far its going fairly well, got the map designed and most of the player controls
sorted, just need to start on enemy models and AI codes

Unfortunately, as I've had to work on this in college I'm having to use a old crappy laptop
which I'm quite surprised that this laptop can run. 

Saturday, 11 April 2015

No posts

Sorry for the lack of posts and videos over the Easter holidays, I was away on holiday and had
limited internet connection, normal service will now resume (not that it was that
reliable in the first place)